MMI Event Payments
MMI Event Payments
We have moved to a new platform to purchase tickets for events like discos and socials.
Lunchonline is not only a lunch ordering service but they also provide a ticketing service which we, as a school, have signed up for. To purchase a ticket for one of our events you will need to have already created your own lunchonline account. If you are already an account holder, well done, you do not need to do anything else until the tickets are available to purchase.
If you are not an account holder yet please follow these 4 easy steps:
● Go to –
● Create an account
● Add member(s) including name, school and classroom
● Top up with your credit card or internet banking
When the tickets become available to purchase we will let you know and you can then simply go online and make your purchase. This means that payments will no longer be accepted by the school for certain
events, but we will always advise you of the payment process in advance.