MMI Rip Rugby 2023

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Monday 4th September. MMI’s first competitive RIP rugby game was underway at 10.05am.   I could see a swarm of green warming up and the team did not seem phased by the icy cold weather. After speaking with Kirby Weis (Coach) And Carter Horton (player) their goal was clear HAVE FUN!

Carter kicked off on the whistle and MMI looked strong, putting pressure on Pompallier causing mistakes that MMI could use to their advantage.  Milla, Charlee and Jeane set a scrum and won the ball.  MMI continued to put pressure on the team and came out with a win. Mr Weiss and the team will be ecstatic to have a win for their first game.

How cool is this?  Pompallier College is in Kaitaia that’s SEVEN HOURS AWAY!

What a commitment. These athletes have had to get all the way to Tauranga Moana.

By Harry Lorentsson – MMI AIMS Media Team

Categories: AIMS Games