MMI’s First AIMS Rugby 7’s Game

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On the 4th of September 2023, Mount Maunganui Intermediate had their first AIMS rugby game of the tournament. Their focus was just to try their best and have a good time. With Mr Davis as their coach, our team was in a good position. 

This first game was against Francis Douglas, a strong rugby school from Taranaki. Their school colours were navy and a dull red. Next to them, our bright green stood out from ages away.

There were some great passes, but one excellent passage of play that I noticed was when Riku passed to Edwin. Kurei and Harrison were leading the defence, and Toby was focussed on attacking and trying to create some gaps for his team to score. When we interviewed Knox, we found out that the team was very excited for their first game, and they thought they had quite a high chance of winning.

From the sideline, the spectators were entertained with some great tackles, and our Mount team had a few great runs. Our team stayed strong for the whole game, and did not give up, even when they were on the verge of losing the game.  Even though they didn’t win, they had good sportsmanship, and they had a lot of fun. This game will be a good lesson for future games.

7’s is such a tough game with only two 7 minute halves. This ended up being a very high scoring game at 14-34  to Francis Douglas, that is a lot of points to score in less than quarter of an hour. Everyone had such great sportsmanship, and it was a fun and positive game altogether. Great job everyone!

Savannah Quinn

Categories: AIMS Games