Mount Maunganui Class Placement Procedures 

Classroom Placement Procedure – Start of Year

1. Collaboration with Current School

In Term 4 of the school year, the Senior Leadership Team at Mount Maunganui Intermediate begins our classroom placement process. Our Deputy Principals arrange a meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team at your child’s current school to discuss each Year 6 student who is enrolling at Mount Maunganui Intermediate for the following year.

2. Student Profile Completion

Your child’s current teacher plays a pivotal role in this process by completing a detailed profile form designed for Mount Maunganui Intermediate. This form covers a wide range of information about your child, including curriculum strengths and needs, behaviour and social skills. The information is vital for understanding your child’s educational requirements. The completed profiles are also shared with their new classroom teacher once classes are finalised.

3. Review of Student Profiles and Class Placement

After the profiles are received, our Deputy Principals carefully review the student profiles and begin the process of placing each student with a teacher from MMI who we believe will best suit their learning and behaviour needs. This decision-making process is designed to ensure a positive and productive learning experience for every student.

5. Communication with Parents and Students

Class lists, once finalised, are shared with parents and students via email at the end of the year. Additionally, our school website provides a page with information about all our teachers, allowing parents and students to familiarise themselves with their teachers.

Class Change Procedure – During the School Year

No Class Changes in Term 1

It’s important to note that class swaps are not considered during Term 1. This initial period allows students to adjust to their new classes.

Request for Class Change

If students and their whanau (family) believe that a class change is necessary, the following process is followed:

1. The teacher, the student, and whanau come together to discuss the concerns and issues that prompt the request for a class change. A four-week plan will be put in place.

2. The teacher and student work through the four-week period to explore whether the issues can be resolved within the existing classroom structure.

3. If, after the four-week period, the need for a class change persists, a subsequent meeting is scheduled. During this meeting, the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) evaluates the situation, considering the student’s best interests. A decision is collaboratively made with SLT regarding any necessary class changes.

4. If a change of class is deemed the best solution the decision on the new class will be made solely by the Senior Leadership Team.