Relationships and Bullying – Health Unit
MMI - Relationships and Bullying
During term 2, students are participating in Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) within their classroom. RSE is a key area of learning in Health and Physical Education in the New Zealand Curriculum and must be included in teaching programmes. RSE at Mount Maunganui Intermediate emphasises the holistic nature of sexuality education (which has physical, social, mental and emotional, and spiritual aspects).
In term two we will be focusing on ‘Relationships and Bullying’ which will cover the following:
Learning outcome
- Students can identify ‘good’ friends and how to be a good friend. They will have strategies to be a good friend.
Underlying concept
- Attitudes and values: explore diverse values and learn about respect and about care and concern for themselves and other people.
- Hauora: Trusting that our feelings about a relationship or situation – emotional, physical, social, or spiritual – can guide us on how to respond.
Learning outcome
- Students will explore the concept of intimacy and the behaviours that may feel right at different levels of intimacy
Underlying concept
- Attitudes and values: explore diverse values and learn about respect and about care and concern for themselves and other people.
- Health promotion: developing skills to set boundaries within our relationships for our wellbeing.
Sexual Orientation and Gender
Learning outcome
- Students will discuss issues related to sexual orientation and gender binaries and how to challenge discrimination
Underlying concept
- Socio-ecological perspective: examine the social and cultural contexts that affect how people learn about, understand, and express their relationships, gender, and sexuality
- Health promotion: advocate for access to services, to raise awareness of sexuality and gender issues, to work against discrimination, and to show support for diversity
Social Media and Uploading
Learning outcome
- Students will think critically about online social media usage, what they post, and strategies to keep themselves safe.
Underlying concept
- Socio-ecological perspective: beginning to develop an understanding of the influences social media can have on our relationships and wellbeing
- Health promotion: developing skills to manage the impact of social media on our relationships and wellbeing.
Cyber Bullying
Learning outcome
- Students will identify and manage the impact of online bullying.
Underlying concept
- Health promotion: Developing the skills to address online bullying.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact your child’s teacher.
Below is the Ministry of Education curriculum outline for teaching ‘Relationships and Sexuality Education’ at Intermediate Schools.