Specialist Subjects

Specialist Subjects

Specialists at Mount Maunganui Intermediate aim to provide a range of dynamic opportunities to help students prepare for future pathways. Confidence Creativity Collaboration

MMI has exciting Technology and Arts programmes for all our students. We have great facilities for students to learn in and a team of specialist teachers who have extensive expertise in their field. 

All Specialist classes are composite classes, the classes are made up of a mix of students across their House. Each student has the opportunity to attend about 12 lessons per specialist area in Year 7 and Year 8.

The three technology subjects run as part of our specialist rotations are:

  • Hard Materials and Electronics
  • Food Technology
  • Digital Technology

The three arts subjects run as part of our specialist rotations are:

  • Dance and Drama
  • Music
  • Visual Arts

Enrichment programmes are offered throughout the term to give further opportunities for students to develop skills and express their creativity. 

Visual Arts

The exciting Visual Arts programme at MMI provides all students with numerous opportunities to express and discover their artistic abilities and learn through using a diverse range of media. Creativity and originality is encouraged, the development of their own ideas, all being inspired and in response to a variety of motivations, observations and imagination. 


Students develop their knowledge and understanding of both traditional and contemporary art forms in both NZ and other cultures along with the study of a variety of artist styles and their works. 

Exploration of skills, techniques and processes gives them a sound base to express themselves both in two-dimensional and three-dimensional mediums. They gain confidence and are always proud of their accomplishments.

Digital Technology

Digital technology is a dynamic tool that empowers learners; helping to make learning relevant, creative and collaborative.

At Mount Maunganui Intermediate, students learn about the language of coding and begin by building a foundation of coding knowledge in Scratch and Robotics. Students are given the opportunity to understand the ‘Design Thinking Process’ where they make connections to real life contexts to plan, design and create. Tinkercad is the website used, where students are given design challenges to become familiar with using the new software. They get a chance to print their 3D designs to establish what outcomes they are to expect when 3D printing. 

The programme exposes the students to a range of digital tools and scaffolds their learning so they are able to make connections to other areas of their lives.  Contexts within Digital Technology link to our school-wide inquiry and skills across different curriculum areas.

Food Technology

Food Technology/Hangarau Kai at MMI happens in our wonderful, refurbished room.  The students are taught to work safely and hygienically with practical, hands-on activities to learn about the language, symbols and text used in recipes, how to measure ingredients using different utensils, how to manage themselves within a given time and at the same time, develop ideas using planning and problem solving skills.

Students also gain an understanding of the properties of ingredients used and its effect on the final product, whilst also growing in confidence and independence so that they may be inspired to safely prepare and cook food for you at home. And yes, cleaning up is part of the process too!

Dance and Drama

Dance and Drama allows students opportunities to independently develop performance skills and to learn to collaborate using movement and technology to create exciting theatrical works. Students will explore a range of dance styles or drama techniques to acquire knowledge of extensive ideas and bring these to life through the arts.

In drama we explore improvisation, script writing, character development, and film making.

In dance we will enhance our understanding of movement through dance technique, choreographic workshopping, and concept planning.

Hard Materials and Electronics

The programme is about developing practical skills by using a range of tools and machinery safely and correctly. Safety glasses are worn at all times when using machinery or soldering equipment.

The students get to be creative and make items that they can show and share with their families, measuring, cutting out shapes and using the extensive range of machinery in the Hard Materials room.

They also learn about basic electronics by making interactive circuit boards where they get to create circuits by soldering components onto the copper tape they have applied to their boards. More involved circuits are available to the students that finish before others to extend their learning further, including the ability to read circuit diagrams and understand electronic symbols.


Music is an expression of, and a way of connecting with language, identity and culture. It enables people to experience and express feelings. 

Music at Mount Maunganui Intermediate offers all students the opportunity to get an introduction to, and appreciation of, how to play a variety of instruments:- guitars, keyboards, ukuleles and percussion instruments. The lessons are ‘hands on’ and the learning is centred around basic skills and notation.